Elections Office


The Decatur County Board of Elections and Voter Registration’s mission is to adhere to the U.S. citizen’s right to vote. There will be fair, open, and equal access to the election process through registration and voting, and we will fairly and accurately count every vote. We are stewards of tax dollars, property, and time. And we are champions of democracy.

The Board of Elections and Registration

Decatur County Board of Elections members are, Chairman Beverly Holmes, Vice Chairman Dan Provence, Members Gina Burke, Johnny Brown and Member Laura Winburn.

The Decatur County Board of Elections and Registration was created by local legislation on May 17, 2004. It is empowered with all the powers and duties relating to the conduct of primaries and elections as election superintendents, and it is empowered with all the powers and duties relating to the registration of voters and absentee balloting procedures. Two members of the board are appointed by the chairperson of the county executive committee of the Republican Party; two members are appointed by the chairperson of the county executive committee of the Democratic Party; and, the fifth member is appointed by the Decatur County Board of Commissioners.

The Board meets the second Tuesday of every month beginning at 5 p.m. at the Board of Elections and Registration Office’s conference room located at the Courthouse Annex, 122 W. Water St.

Appointed by the Democratic Party, appointment expires December 2028.

Appointed by the Republican Party, appointment expires December 2028.

Appointed by Decatur County Board of Commissioners, appointment expires December 2026.

Appointed by the Republican Party, appointment expires December 2026. Fulfill unexpired term of Keith Sellars.

Appointed by the Democratic Party, appointment expires December 2026.

Click here for the minutes of the Decatur County Board of Elections and Registration. For the agenda of a forthcoming Board of Elections and Registration meeting or other news, please check go to the County News page of our website.

Core Values

1. All eligible voters have the right to vote.
2. All persons are treated fairly and equally.
3. Every vote is accurately, fairly and impartially counted.
4. We ensure a secret ballot for all those voting and respect privacy for all citizens.
5. We strive to increase voter registrations, voter turnout and education of our election process.
6. We are impartial and non-partisan.
7. We serve others and not ourselves.
8. We are stewards of the public’s money and resources.
9. We own our mistakes. We admit to them, learn from them and don’t attempt to hide from them.
10. We all work as a team that respects the hierarchy of our organization, and everyone operates in the open and with transparency.
11. We test and maintain our voting, registration and all other equipment to ensure accurate and correct operations for seamless and pleasant voting and registration experiences. We strive to improve upon those operations and to enhance our knowledge and education to better serve the public.
12. We respectfully remember our American journey, which hasn’t been the same for everyone; and we must remember our history and the journey of our democracy.



What can be used as photo ID on Election Day and during Advanced Early Voting?

  • A Georgia driver’s license (expired/unexpired)
  • Any valid state or federal issued photo ID (includes Georgia Voter ID Card)
  • Valid U.S. Passport
  • Valid employee photo ID (must be issued by any municipality, county, state or federal branch, department or agency)
  • Valid U.S. military photo ID
  • Valid tribal photo ID

How can I receive a Georgia Voter ID Card and how much does the ID cost?

  • You can obtain a Georgia Voter ID Card by visiting our office (located in the Decatur County Courthouse Annex – 122 W. Water Street) Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; the Georgia Voter ID Card is FREE.  Voter ID Cards are only made during election dates and can only be used for voting purposes.
  • You can also obtain a Georgia ID Card from the Department of Driver Services office located at 101 Airport Road in Bainbridge.

What do I need to bring in order to receive a FREE Georgia Voter Photo ID?

  • Bring either a (photo or approved non-photo) document containing the voter’s full legal name and date of birth,
  • Documentation displaying the voter’s date of birth,
  • Proof that the person is a registered elector in the county, and
  • Documentation showing the voter’s name and current address.


Am I registered to vote?

  • My Voter Page allows you to view your voting status. If you have problems finding your information, please call our office at (229) 243-2087.

reg_to_voteHow can I register to vote?

  • Call our office (229) 243-2087 and ask for an application to be mailed to you,
  • Visit our office located in the Decatur County Courthouse Annex (122 W. Water Street) and complete an application in person,
  • Complete an application at one of our state mandated voter registration sites, such as the local library, Bainbridge State College or Bainbridge High School.
  • Register to vote while updating your Driver’s License at the Department of Driver Services location at 101 Airport Road in Bainbridge.
  • Go to the Georgia Secretary of State’s online voter registration site:


There are 10 polling locations in Decatur County. On Election Day, the polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

ATTAPULGUS: Attapulgus Community Center, 405 E. Griffin Avenue, Attapulgus, GA 39815

BRINSON: Brinson Municipal Building, 179 Clifton St., Brinson, GA 39825

CLIMAX: Climax Volunteer Fire Department, 402 W. Lee St., Climax, GA 39834

CONGER GYM: The Conger Gym, 700 Potter St., Bainbridge, Ga 39819

FAIRGROUNDS: Fairgrounds, Chamber 1, 1211 Vada Road, Bainbridge, GA 39817

KENDRICK: Kendrick Volunteer Fire Department, 2931 Spring Creek Road, Brinson, GA 39825

KIRBO CENTER: Charles H. Kirbo Center, Southern Regional Technical College, 2500 Shotwell St., Bainbridge, GA 39819

MOUNT PLEASANT: Mount Pleasant Volunteer Fire Department, 119 Deese Road, Bainbridge, GA 39817

RECOVERY: Recovery Volunteer Fire Department, 164 River Road, Bainbridge, GA 39817

WEST BAINBRIDGE: 1600 Pierce Street, Bainbridge, GA 39817.




Advanced early voting allows voters the opportunity to vote early.  In Decatur County, the advanced early voting location is at the Elections Office located at the Courthouse Annex, 122 W. Water Street.

Advanced voting for the Tuesday, June 17, 2025, Special Primary Public Service Commissioner (PSC)/Special Election  begins on Monday May 26, 2025,  and ends on Friday, June 13, 2025. Hours are Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be Saturday voting on May 31, 2025 and June 7, 2025 from 9 am- 5 pm. 

Also, during the hours of advanced voting, the county’s only drop box will be open. It is located inside the front door of where voting takes place. A poll worker will monitor the drop box, so if you are bringing someone’s absentee ballot other than yours, please be prepared to sign an affidavit affirming your relationship with that voter. The drop box hours are the same as the advanced voting hours.

Making an application for by mail absentee ballot:

Absentee mail-in voting is another way voters may vote. With absentee mail-in voting, you do not have to have a reason for requesting an absentee mail-in ballot. However, you do have to request a mail-in ballot.

Voters may begin submitting applications for an absentee ballot on  March 31, 2025.

The deadline to submit an application for an absentee ballot for the  Tuesday, June 17, 2025, Special Primary Public Service Commissioner (PSC)/Special Election, is Friday, June 6, 2025.

Any person applying for an absentee-by-mail ballot shall make application in writing on the form made available by the Georgia Secretary of State. In order to confirm the identity of the voter, such form shall require the elector to provide his or her name, date of birth, address as registered, address where the elector wishes the ballot to be mailed, and the number of his or her Georgia driver’s license or identification card issued by the state. If such elector does not have a Georgia driver’s license or identification card issued pursuant to Article 5 of Chapter 5 of Title 40, the elector shall affirm this fact in the manner prescribed in the application and the elector shall provide a copy of a form of identification listed in subsection (c) of Code Section 21-2-417.

The application shall also include the identity of the primary, election, or runoff in which the elector wishes to vote; and the name and relationship of the person requesting the ballot if other than the elector; and an oath for the elector or relative to write his or her usual signature with a pen and ink affirming that the elector is a qualified Georgia elector and the facts presented on the application are true. Submitting false information on an application for an absentee ballot shall be a violation of Code Section 21-2-560 and 21-2-571.

No absentee ballot shall be mailed to an address other than the permanent mailing address provided on the elector’s registration record or a temporary out of county or out of municipality address, except in the case of:

A physically disabled elector; or

Electors in custody in a jail or other detention facility in the county or municipality.

 An application for an absentee ballot must be submitted to the Elections Office 11 days prior to the day of the election in order for the ballot to be processed.

The most efficient and convenient way to request an absentee ballot is to visit the Georgia Secretary of State’s internet portal: https://securemyabsenteeballot.sos.ga.gov/s/

You may also track your absentee ballot by logging into https://georgia.ballottrax.net/voter/

You may still request a paper form if you don’t have access to the internet or you don’t have a Georgia Driver’s License or State ID. Click on Absentee Ballot Application (2021) for a copy of the request form, which must be mailed, faxed or emailed to the Elections Office.